The sky had been thick with clouds hovering just above the mountain tops as the sun began to set. Although clouds can make for a sunset that sets the sky on fire, I figured any chance of seeing the Northern Lights were gone. Not to mention, I don't have a horizon view. Isn't that where one is supposed to see them? All around trees tower high. The sky doesn't open up until at least 45degrees above the horizon. I'm generally an optimist, but the thought of seeing them at home here in NC, I figured was slim at best. Add in heavy clouds and there's no point in getting even the tiniest amount of my hopes up. By now, you'd think I'd know just how fast the conditions can change here in the blue ridge mountains.
Just before turning in for the night, my wife opens facebook. A minute later and the Northern lights are popping up in posts from some nearby friends. My "What?!?! No WAY!! C'mon, let's go see." Doubt giving way to unadulterated excitement, we stepped onto the deck and gave our eyes a moment to adjust. We could see the faintest hint of reddish pink waves glazing over the sky. Stars had appeared, those heavy clouds had moved on. I stood there, mesmerized, scanning the darkness for any glimpse of color. It was faint, but it was there. I was in awe. Disbelief and wonderment tangoed through my mind. I was entranced by what I was witnessing. I didn't have my camera ready. My wife told me to grab it, but it was one of those moments I was afraid would disappear if I left. Like waking from a dream you're not ready to leave, and you can never get back to. So, we stood there together listening in the silence of night, watching the dance of light that hovered above. I had no idea how long the show would last, but after a few minutes I of course had to get the camera and see if I could capture at least some of this celestial spectacle. I set up as quickly as I could, not wanting to miss a second.
I had always dreamed that one day I might see the Northern Lights, but I wasn't sure it would ever happen and who knows if I'll ever have the chance again. I could look in any direction to see the wonderous display. Captivated, I watched these bands of color for nearly an hour. The borealis appeared almost like a blanket of blushing light fog flowing over the sky. Occasionally a brighter beam would cut through the darkness and span across the sky. It was as though angels had turned on their spotlights and were searching for something. Perhaps the one who was lost. Sending out a beacon of hope and light in the darkness. My arms were covered with goosebumps. Overcome with emotion I couldn't explain, breathless, speechless, full of gratitude, I was witnessing God at work.
The heavens declared the Glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm19
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